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What do you do in the case of an emergency?

We never think it will happen to us…

Ever thought of what you would do, if you found yourself in an emergency situation?

It is imperative to always know what to do in such cases, as this could be the difference between life and death.

It is important that you communicate the emergency numbers of your medical aid scheme to your family, including your children. Most people have cell phones and can store the numbers so that when they are at work or school they can call for help quickly. Educate your family on what to do should a medical emergency happen to them or someone around them.

Medical aid cards and stickers for your car are also very important to have, as they assist in the case of an emergency. If something were to happen to you while driving, the stickers will assist those around you to contact the correct number quickly. This can go a long way in saving your life.

It is important to ensure that the teachers at your children’s school are aware of what to do should your child need emergency assistance. Ensure that the school has a certified copy of your child’s medical aid card, so that they can call for assistance in the case of an emergency. This will assist in getting medical care for your child immediately, as opposed to them calling you and creating a delay in providing assistance to the child.

Here is what you can to today, to ensure that you are prepared for an emergency:

  • Put the emergency number up on your fridge, so that the whole family can see it and can call for help in case anything happens at home
  • Stick the emergency sticker on you rear window of your car
  • Provide your child’s school with a copy of your medical aid card and the emergency number
  • Provide your HR team at work with your medical aid details and emergency number, if you are not on the company medical aid
  • Save the emergency number on your cell phone and your children’s cell phones
  • Always have your medical aid card on you
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